Marine of Salve... The Big Beautiful is here.

The coast of Salve

Posto Vecchio with Pescoluse, Torre Pali and Lido Marini are the marine town of Salve encountered leaving the Marina di Torre Vado and along the Ionian coast towards Gallipoli.

Surrounded by its seaside resorts: Posto Vecchio, Pescoluse, Torre Pali and Lido Marini, Salve seems to belong to the sea more 'than the mainland.   
      Along the coast alternate sources of clear water, with long stretches of fine golden sand; the bright colors of the landscape, especially the ramonto, stand out and procure unforgettable memories.    

Our location 'beaches have been awarded since 2009 to date of"Blue Flag" by the FEE and for several years of "4 sails" of the Blue Guide 2004 Legambiente and Touring Club.



Marina di Pescoluse or "Pesculuse" is one of the most beautiful seaside resorts, pristine and sought Salento thanks to its fine sandy beach, crystal clear waters of the sea, the sand dunes behind the beach and the sea and the beautiful sunsets that form the backdrop to this wonderful place not coincidentally nicknamed "Maldives of Salento".                     
           Particularly interesting in Marina di Pescoluse is the interest and care for the conservation of Sand dunes, the priceless heritage that today they try to keep with targeted interventions.


Torre Pali

Torre Pali is a charming tourist resort of the Municipality of Salve, Salento, overlooking the sea, a sea Brave and bright, just 5 minutes from Santa Maria di Leuca, 15 minutes from Gallipoli.
In ancient times it was called Marina di Sant'Antonio by the church dedicated to the saint that some fishermen had built, then Ext Poles, because of the many wooden poles that were there on the shoreline following the storms.
The watchtower century takes its name Pali and is one of the many coastal watchtowers were built in the sixteenth century. by Charles V to defend the Salento territory from invasion of the Saracens.
The sandy shore past the tower becomes rocky and low, ideal for those seeking peace and maybe want to go for a swim to the island Maiden's a few hundred meters from the shore.


Antica dimora Pepe Case Vacanza Salento